Mohammad Ghasemi-Fard


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Data Scientist

Technical Skills: Python, SQL, AWS, Snowflake, MATLAB


Work Experience

Data Scientist @ Toyota Financial Services (June 2022 - Present)

Data Science Consultant @ Shawhin Talebi Ventures LLC (December 2020 - Present)


Data-Driven EEG Band Discovery with Decision Trees


Developed objective strategy for discovering optimal EEG bands based on signal power spectra using Python. This data-driven approach led to better characterization of the underlying power spectrum by identifying bands that outperformed the more commonly used band boundaries by a factor of two. The proposed method provides a fully automated and flexible approach to capturing key signal components and possibly discovering new indices of brain activity.

EEG Band Discovery

Decoding Physical and Cognitive Impacts of Particulate Matter Concentrations at Ultra-Fine Scales


Used Matlab to train over 100 machine learning models which estimated particulate matter concentrations based on a suite of over 300 biometric variables. We found biometric variables can be used to accurately estimate particulate matter concentrations at ultra-fine spatial scales with high fidelity (r2 = 0.91) and that smaller particles are better estimated than larger ones. Inferring environmental conditions solely from biometric measurements allows us to disentangle key interactions between the environment and the body.

Bike Study

Talks & Lectures


  1. Talebi S., Lary D.J., Wijeratne L. OH., and Lary, T. Modeling Autonomic Pupillary Responses from External Stimuli Using Machine Learning (2019). DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2019.20.003446
  2. Wijeratne, L.O.; Kiv, D.R.; Aker, A.R.; Talebi, S.; Lary, D.J. Using Machine Learning for the Calibration of Airborne Particulate Sensors. Sensors 2020, 20, 99.
  3. Lary, D.J.; Schaefer, D.; Waczak, J.; Aker, A.; Barbosa, A.; Wijeratne, L.O.H.; Talebi, S.; Fernando, B.; Sadler, J.; Lary, T.; Lary, M.D. Autonomous Learning of New Environments with a Robotic Team Employing Hyper-Spectral Remote Sensing, Comprehensive In-Situ Sensing and Machine Learning. Sensors 2021, 21, 2240.
  4. Zhang, Y.; Wijeratne, L.O.H.; Talebi, S.; Lary, D.J. Machine Learning for Light Sensor Calibration. Sensors 2021, 21, 6259.
  5. Talebi, S.; Waczak, J.; Fernando, B.; Sridhar, A.; Lary, D.J. Data-Driven EEG Band Discovery with Decision Trees. Preprints 2022, 2022030145 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202203.0145.v1).
  6. Fernando, B.A.; Sridhar, A.; Talebi, S.; Waczak, J.; Lary, D.J. Unsupervised Blink Detection Using Eye Aspect Ratio Values. Preprints 2022, 2022030200 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202203.0200.v1).
  7. Talebi, S. et al. Decoding Physical and Cognitive Impacts of PM Concentrations at Ultra-fine Scales, 29 March 2022, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square []
  8. Lary, D.J. et al. (2022). Machine Learning, Big Data, and Spatial Tools: A Combination to Reveal Complex Facts That Impact Environmental Health. In: Faruque, F.S. (eds) Geospatial Technology for Human Well-Being and Health. Springer, Cham.
  9. Wijerante, L.O.H. et al. (2022). Advancement in Airborne Particulate Estimation Using Machine Learning. In: Faruque, F.S. (eds) Geospatial Technology for Human Well-Being and Health. Springer, Cham.